Please support new full length release! Click the link and please share!

Hey everyone, I am excited to announce that I am going to record a new full length album called One Machine At A Time.  My last Tigers and Monkeys' release came out in 2018 and my last and first solo release came out in 2011 so it's about time!  I'm looking forward to recording in the city in which I recorded my first album and created an amazing network of talented musician friends, Atlanta, GA!  In celebration of the launch of my Indiegogo Campaign, and the first day of summer, I am sharing a photo of my mom with me on her lap holding my first guitar! Yeah - I know, lucky you! Please make sure you watch the short video in that link.  I think it explains it all.  I am grateful for your support.  I hope summer brings you good times! xoxo Shonali