My friend Sam Jayne passed away....Don't Worry by Love As Laughter

Hi friends, 

This past year we have endured an insurmountable amount of loss.  Almost everyone we know has either lost a loved one or someone close to us has.  And on top of the loss of our loved ones comes the loneliness felt from this pandemic isolation.  Zoom and Facetime calls are in no way a real substitute for being able to mourn and/or celebrate the lives of our loved ones with each other. We all are doing our best at making every moment count, striving to stay strong for our loved ones & to preserve our own sanity.  This has been no small feat for each one of us.  

One of the losses I suffered in recent months, is the passing of my friend musician, songwriter, life enthusiast Sam Jayne. There was no one like him. He's loved by so many people and there is a community of people that are desperate to get together to celebrate his life.  I wrote a tribute for him that I would like to share with you. Perhaps it resonates with you regarding a life led by a person who only cared about his community and the arts.  I wrote it on the day after I learned of his passing, December 16, 2020. It is on his tribute page SamJayneForever which includes many statements, pics, videos & music shared by his many loved ones.  It starts like this but please click the link to read on...

Hi friends, 

Some of you may or not know that my friend Sam Jayne just passed away, others of you are also his dear mutual friends and are feeling the gut wrenching pain of his loss in our lives. I couldn't help but write this today and share with you. If you for some reason don't feel like reading, at the least, I hope you will listen to his wonderful song in celebration of his life. #samjayne #samjayneforever #loveaslaughter 

Don't Worry by Love As Laughter -